#Fidget Shrooms
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charliecraftsthings · 1 year ago
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Another Fidget Shroom!
This one is vagely based on the amethyst deceiver, and I modified the original pattern to make gills under the cap.
Fidget Shrooms - paid pattern by Elli Mercer ($3 USD).
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pinksugarscrub · 4 months ago
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Hobie Brown x fem! spider! reader
Late octobie submission, prepare to be amazed
Event by @the-kr8tor Banner by @the-shroom-garden
Special thank you to @hyperfix-wip for being my number one pookie and beta reader 💙❤️
word count: 1,707
parts: 1, 2
cw: cursing and general shenanigans
F.E.A.S.T. has been a part of your life since you could remember. It’s where you met Peter Parker, your Peter Parker. In his prime with more than a dozen job applications while you were halfway through high school.
Now your roles are reversed with Peter leading the Emily-May foundation alongside Harry Osborn and you finishing your first year of college. Things couldn’t be better. Not that you would say that out loud. Peter is superstitious and now you’re starting to believe him after Doctor Connors turned himself into…well a lizard.
The smell of pumpkin permeates the air. Small candles lit and fixed across all of the plastic tables you helped setup just this morning. It makes your nose twitch and a headache soon appears but you don't have the heart to tell May.
There are artificial leaves hanging from the ceiling along with streamers. A tree trunk made of packing paper and tape in the corner. Notes with something everyone is thankful for along with a few polaroids. All in all the day is shaping up to be great!
Denial is a river in Egypt.
“Hun, don’t you have a paper due tonight?” May asks. Concern etching her face as she catches you mid-errand.
“What? No-” you wheeze. Pretending to struggle with the boxes in your hands when another volunteer walks by. It turns out to only be Peter. Who makes short work of taking the boxes off your hands. Always a gentleman.
“Here, let me help!”
“Your protege is stretching herself thin again Peter.” May tsks.
Peter shifts the boxes of clothing just under his chin. A knowing look on his face that sometimes you wish you could just squash under your shoes. 
“Is it the battle of the bands? You’ll do great junior, it’s nothing you can’t handle.”
“That’s today?” May gasps.
“Would everyone just-” Your voice raises in irritation and it immediately deflates as you catch May and Peter exchange a look. “I’m fine. I just need a break. Sorry.”
Peter’s eyes follow you as you stuff your hands in your pockets and storm up the steps.
“All yours Pete.” May sighs. Patting his back and sending him off with her prayers.
When Peter finds you, your eyes are rimmed with red and your fingers are fidgeting like they always do when you’re anxious. 
He can remember finding you in the same place and predicament when he first started mentoring you. 
Peter has never really thought of himself as this great hero. Even after seeing Spider-Man themed sneakers and branded t-shirts (He hasn’t seen any of the revenue from that by the way).
Peter just happens to be at the right place at the right time. Granted he chose to be someone the neighborhood could rely on but greatness wasn’t something he was used to being described as by anyone other than his close friends and May. 
To have to live in his shadow was something he couldn’t quite comprehend until you voiced your bubbling insecurities to him. You were such a small thing then. Still trying to find your way in the world and become Spider-Woman .
Since then this rooftop,in and out of costume, has become the center of uncomfortable conversations and warm embraces that fill a space in Peter’s heart that he wasn’t even aware he had. You were his family now. With Mary Jane and Harry. It was a weird conjunction of people but a happy one nonetheless.
Peter holds onto the door until it quietly locks back into place. You don’t move but he’s sure you’ve noticed him. He stands until you quietly ask him to sit and for a while it’s silent. Peter knows you like it that way. You’re such an analytical kid.
The city streets are as noisy as ever. It’s New York. But the leaves are a vibrant array of orange, yellow, and red. The air is cold and the sky is gray.
“I’m sorry,” you apologize again.
“No sweat.” Peter smiles. Glancing over before squeezing your shoulder. “How are you feeling?”
You snort, “cold.” Wrapping your thin sweater tighter around your body to make a point. “I forgot my jacket.”
“I can see that,” he laughs. Then it’s quiet again except for his shuffling as he sets his jacket over your shoulders. 
“You did a great job with the decorations.” He tries to veer the conversation in a different direction. You aren’t ready to talk yet.
“It’s just colored paper.”
“Ah there’s only room for one self deprecating person on this roof and that’s me. Get your own gig.”
You laugh and finally look up from your scarred hands. Freshly healed from a run in with Rhino. 
Peter smiles wider. That goofy smile that MJ fell in love with when they were just sixteen. You will die before ever admitting you once found him cute. You will also take to your grave the massive crush you had on Spider-Man before getting bit. What? You were fourteen!
“What about depression?” You quip. “Anxiety is a good candidate too.”
“How about something positive for once.”
“Anxiety is positive. It keeps me alive.”
“Alright, something serotonin inducing,” he corrects himself.
“That isn’t illegal.”
You sigh loudly and slump against the wall. “Fine. Uh…what about being stuck up? That’s free and still mildly annoying.”
“Mildly?” He chokes out a laugh. “I beg to differ. What about being a know it all?”
You wave your hand dismissively. “Too basic.”
You stare at one another before bursting into laughter. His arm comes up to bring you into his embrace. 
Peter knows how to give good hugs. You’ve deduced this after watching him console civilians. Just the right ones too and Peter always smelled distinctly of soot and ash. Like he can never quite separate Spider-Man from Peter Parker.
“What is it?” He asks after seeing your expression slowly sink back into sadness.
What was it? Was there a simple answer? Everything felt congealed into one. Gooey and sticky until you were left with a multicolored wad of gum. You suppose that’s the best answer you can give Peter.
“It’s everything.” You exhale. Shoulders slumped as you look back to your clammy palms. “College admissions, the band, today’s dinner.”
You drown further into his much too large jacket. You could stay in it forever if it meant not having to face reality.
“What’s worrying you the most. Let’s start there.”
You scrunch your nose and ponder over the list of things weighing on your mind. One sticks out like a thorn in your side no matter how hard you try to think about graduation or what to wear tonight. The show.
“Remember Hobie?” 
Peter perks up. “Yeah, of course. We’re meeting him today along with…Gwen and Pavitr, am I saying that right?”
If it wasn’t for the fact your stomach was in knots you would have teased him for taking so long to remember.
“Yeah, Pav works too.”
Peter parrots the shortened version of Pavitr’s name under his breath. Mentally storing that information so he can make a good impression on your friends.
A deep breath leaves your chest as you tap on your knee. “I want him, especially him, to think I’m cool. Is that weird?”
Peter shakes his head. “Not at all. I mean, talk to MJ. There is no shortage of embarrassing stories about me trying to impress her.”
“Yeah,” you chuckle. “Like the time you ate it in the cafeteria when you were trying to catch up to her. Or the time-”
“Ok, ok!” Peter sputters. Face growing hot as he relives the most devastating moment of his life. “Jeez, are you trying to kill me?”
“It would make this process go a lot faster,” you joke.
“Right, feelings stink.”
“Suck Peter. They suck.”
“Same thing,” he argues.
“No it isn’t Mary Poppins- can I finish now?”
Peter raises one hand in surrender while the other remains on your side.
“Thank you,” you huff. Lips twitching as you fight the urge to smile. 
Thinking over your friendship with Hobie—that you’re hoping will evolve into something more—there is one thing he has an adamant distaste for and that’s capitalism. 
And, well, no your band doesn’t make million dollar record deals but the genre of music is so generic not even you can keep from making fun of the four chord pop songs you make.
However after spending more and more time with Hobie you started to see the stark differences in why you both create music. You can’t help but think Hobie might not be able to see past it. You almost feel like a wolf in sheep’s clothing. A poser, a fraud.
But you love music. Your songs are a mix of a little bit of everything in that they aren’t one in the same. Stemming from your background, your bandmates, and what’s popular now. You don’t stick to just one thing. But what if that doesn’t impress him?
Punk is a form of expression against oppression while pop is an innovation of style and skill. Moreover focused on presentation. Hobie plays for freedom while you play for a different kind.
“Well,” Peter began, “I’m no expert but from what I’ve heard-”
You roll your eyes as he fakes an english accent. It’s horrible. Like scratching your nails against a chalkboard.
“-he sounds like a pretty great guy. I almost want to marry him.”
That you can agree with.
“I doubt he’d ever break up a friendship over something so trivial in the grand scheme of things.” Peter considers there’s a slim chance he will. Slim. So he continues. “If he does. You and I can cry over a box of oreos.”
“Cookie dough,” you correct. On the verge of tears as you smile. Not for yourself but for Peter.
You never received ‘you’re being ridiculous’ or ‘you’re overreacting’ from Peter. He never sugar coated anything either. He would make a great dad someday.
“We’re getting through this together. Whether you win or lose. You’ve always got me.” His voice softened. “Ok squirt?”
Air escapes Peter’s lungs as you barrel into his chest. Clutching onto his battered ‘the mitochondria is the powerhouse of the cell’ shirt until your knuckles turn white. 
“Thanks Pete.”
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eldritch-spouse · 10 months ago
Currently you're sitting at a table with your master, waiting on your meal. You have complicated feelings on Nebul. He doesn't necessarily treat you badly, he takes care of you but that's because you've been cooperative, you've seen him less gentile…..
The chef walks on by dragging a man screaming and wailing. His eyes look searching for someone, until they fall on you.
“Help me!” He looks at you with pleading eyes. “He's going to kill me!”
You are no savior, you have no power here. You look down at your lap, hearing his cries for help become more and more distant. Dread and despair grows in your heart.
[I can write this out from his perspective.]
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Nebul enjoys pets like you.
One might glance at him and think that perhaps the trainer would prefer a real brat. Someone who stomps their feet, bitches and whines and spits. The kind that just won't take it lying down and nearly breaks themself in their effort to be free of his controlled dominance.
But they'd be quite mistaken.
Nebul loves a pet who instantly recognizes their place. A darling thing like you, smart enough to realize that you have no chance of ever escaping intact, and thus, become subservient to your rightful master. You know Nebul will protect you, will provide for you, because you're learning to be the perfect pet he's training you into on a daily basis. There's something just insanely satisfying and obscenely arousing about your immediate submission to Nebul, he savors it slowly, preens you, makes sure you'll last him long.
Many were the tests you've been subtly subjected to since your time under his care. Some were elaborated to get a feel for your character, others for the amount of progress in obedience and loyalty you've developed. The undead quickly adjusts his methods depending on your performance, though you've been nothing if not stellar thus far. Very impressive, very good.
This moment is both another test and a reward. You have earned yourself time outside of the shop, time watching others, pretending to be a member of a community. Not that this particular community sees you as anything but a breathing toy, but he knows it's enough to bring a semblance of comfort to a contact-starved psyche like yours.
See, tonight you're having dinner at The Clergy's restaurant. And the place is quite packed, much to Nebul's distaste. His organism, unalive and magic-riddled, may not require food, but yours sure does. Nebul did take the care to make sure you will not be ingesting "human products", as he already ordered your meal a fair bit ago. Now, he's just making idle conversation and attentively mapping your reactions to seeing so many monsters ogling you like a steak. At certain times, it feels as if you want to sit next to him on the ground, where you have correctly learned is safest, and he glows with pride.
Many a client have stopped by and wordlessly pointed at you, every each one receiving a polite and consice explanation that you're not for sale or a free-use treat. He relishes the dread in your eyes, but even more so the relief. Gratitude that you had been picked by the wraith, and not some uncaring, sadistic entity looking to rip you open.
Yes, the sooner you understand how good you have it here, the sooner you'll drop silly ideas of escape and freedom.
Your rhythmic fidgeting with the silver tag of the collar around your neck is harshly interrupted by the sound of the closest elevator parting its doors, and a very angry monster stomping out, dragging a badly injured human man by medium-length hair.
Nebul senses the way your breath catches and a spike of adrenaline makes you pale, eyes wide, so tense you might pop.
He diverts his attention to Morell. The chef looks more than agitated, genuinely irate. It's not likely that the human actually managed to place a dent on that cinderblock of a monster, but it is a possibility that it outsmarted the chef in a moment of stressful workflow. And that, Nebul knows, will have the shroom smashing through furniture.
" Fuckin' pig! Ah was gonna make it smooth for ya, make it fast, ya wouldn' even feel much- "
The chef's apron is smeared with splatters of blood, what Nebul thinks might be some kind of sauce, and a decent chunk of dirt from the messy chase. The man, on the other hand, is bruised on the face and limbs, one hand bent at a bizarre angle and his ankles most definitely crudely twisted to a mockery of a ragdoll.
Even through the immense pain the undead can sense emanating from this human, the resilience commonly associated with this species shines clearly, as he screams and tries ever so hard to claw the mushroom monster's skin. Broken nails fail to so much as scratch the calloused pudge of his executioner's fingers, who are so tense around that mangled arm it might just explode.
He tries still, he tries, and will continue to for as long as his organism can supply a powerful dosage of adrenaline.
The mostly pointless squirming does succeed in one thing however, getting on Morell's nerves. Predictably, the chef turns around just enough to land a powerful steel-toed boot kick right to his middle, making the man wheeze like a dying animal. He seems to zone out for a moment, probably due to the immense pain wracking his body.
He doesn't zone out enough to miss you, the only other human present.
Nebul expected his frantic screaming, and he can't lie, part of the undead was looking forward to seeing how you'd react in a situation like this. Do you have any kind of wit in that cranium? It seems you do, because even when he's dragged by, pleading with all the remaining breath in his lungs for the help of his kin, for salvation only you can provide, you hardly react.
Aside from a light twitch of the limbs, as if you're trying to guiltily swat a mosquito away, you hang your head and focus on your intertwined hands on your lap. Your stare glazes, losing its alarmed quality, and your breathing becomes steady. You're effectively out of the scene.
Very good.
Morell makes an apology gesture towards the shopkeeper when he realizes that's the table he just walked past, eyes lingering on you with morbid curiosity before he slams the kitchen doors open and drags the drained human inside.
Nebul doesn't let you dissociate for too long. It's not the first time he's seen you do this, but he needs you quite present for this feedback. A grasp upon said clasped hands gets you to inhale sharply, shaking a bit. You glance at him with fear, as getting distracted in certain moments can earn you punishments.
" You've been performing exceptionally well. " He purrs. " With such exemplary behavior, you're on the fast track to perfection. Pets like you deserve rewards for their discipline, and you will get one once we're done eating. "
You nod hastily, fidgeting on your chair while you try hard to ignore the stains of blood on the floor.
Nebul's mist swirls playfully. " Now, what do we say? "
" I'm sorry, Master- Thank you, Master. "
" Very good. "
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foggymvp · 7 months ago
If I played a character in cantripped this would be it
This is long and lots to read
Linardra Starling - Druid - Good Neutral - They/them with a occasional She/her - 23
She is a half Fey half Tiefling, she has slivery-blue skin with long half up and down white hair. With long ears and the starting/smol of Tiefling horns and tail with slightly pointed teeth. She hides her Tiefling parts because she is ashamed of her heritage (but will eventually learn through the party’s help to not hide it and to be proud). Her eyes are a whimsical purple-sliver eyes and blushes purple. Lin is tall for a (mainly) fey, scoring around 5’3 or 5’5ft (I haven’t decided) They have a Tattoo on their upper back near their neck, it’s three hearts a red one, green one, and a clear one. It signifies her, Rin, and Octavius. They are left handed and has a white burn scar on the pointed tip of her left ear. She has sliver circle glasses with dangly chains with a star and a crescent moon. She also wears a teal Anklet with White Sea shells around her right ankle.
She wears the below’s dress with different more blue, purples, and silver accent colors, boots, earrings, with a mainly this hair hair but styled like the other image and the bag
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One below’s is Lin’s style hair, leggings, and neck brace.
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She was born and raised in the fay kingdom with a fey mother and Tiefling father. until when she was 8 or 9 years old when her parents left her to grandma Shroom’s care. She was ashamed for her heritage. She deeply believes that her parents love her dearly and are still out there. She left the fey kingdom wanting to get away from the mockery they’d been dealing with and wanting to explore the world and to learn of her parents and culture On the way they find Rin and Octavius, they met on separate adventures and come close as a family. They go in adventures for some time before having to stay in the human kingdom to get money/supplies again, Octavius leaves in search of money and doesn’t return. Then Rin leaves in search of Octavius and doesn’t return, leaving Lin alone and giving them abandonment issues. Lin leave and search for Rin and Octavius. She found Rin soon after the day of the coordination. And they have made amends with Rin and made an away of contact with her, Rin wants to stay in the elf city but Lin leaves in search of Octavius. In the story eventually she learns to not be ashamed of her heritage and doesn’t hide it and gets more desire to find out about her parents and races culture. She lives in blissful ignorance of her Octavius’s and her parents’ connection with the forsyndicated. The forsyndicated has tried and failed a few time to catch her, one for her parents, two because Octavius wants to see her again, she find herself some days thinking the attempts are just bandits and such but others she can’t help but feel a tugging on her conscious. Eventually on their adventures they out the party they make a shady deal with a person and instead gets scammed and the party realizes till to late it’s a forsyndicated person wanting to take Lin, and possibly the others idk what Dan’s and Neph’s deal is. In an attempt to escape Lin makes a portal and pushes the others into it before the guy casting sleep on her therefore closing the portal bringing the others to nearby safety, protecting her family.
- She is a fantastic fucking Chief, she can’t bake but is amazing at cooking.
- She learned to cook from Grandma Shroom
- Is a daydreamer, daydreams a lot
- is bi but prefers ladies
- fidgets with hair and clothes a lot, very nervous or stressed
- Loves psychical touch, struggles with personal space
- Hate being alone, rather be with someone they hate than be alone
- Doesn’t take care of horns or tail
- plays a sliver flute, because she loves music and is a decent singer but prefers to play flute but still enjoys singing time to time.
- Made a song about her past and friends
- She sings the song when she feels down or discouraged to find her friends
- She loves to dance :)
- She is gentle
- Always and forever wants a dragon or mystical creature for a familiar
- braids hair when bored, doesn’t
- when bored or stressed she paces and if she can’t she’ll spin instead
- Very emotional (one of her strengths and weaknesses)
- Gets attached easily to people or items (also a strength and weakness)
- Really likes to tell stories or hear them
- Doesn’t need sleep, meditates instead
- Plays with their magic sometimes
- Always needs to do something
- Makes friendship jewelry
- Can see from another persons perspective of things easily
- Can get distracted easily if she doesn’t find something important or entertaining
- She is bad at lying
- If they have a chat/viewers of her own that look like Fey spirts she uses for spells or musical symphonies whispering in the wind.
- Blepps 😛
- She has a few memories of her father, he taught her how to fight
- She has a sword/bow from her father that she uses when she doesn’t use magic
- The bow has his signature on it
- She created a song about her parents
Rin: she/her, neutral chaotic, rogue, She has long red hair and brown eyes, she is an elf and is a little bit shorter than average. She has freckles and always wears a bright red cloak. Has a leather friendship bracelet from Lin. Rin is in trouble with the law a lot and is wanted, goes by Red sometimes, known as Red in the law. Is the cloaked rogue the party helped escape the guards on their way out of the elf city. She loves for the thrill. Met Lin by chance after meeting Octavius when Rin was caught. Lin ran in to help and pretended to know them and got them out of the trouble. They become like siblings after that. And Currently located in elf city.
Octavius: He/they, barbarian, ??? Chaotic, Orc, he is apart of the forsyndicated. Lin nor Rin knows he is. Tall, has yellow eyes, scruffy brown hair has a golden friendship necklace from Lin. Met Lin at the elf kingdom he had been beat up pretty badly after messing with the some bandits, she helped him and they became friends and closer than family. Closed off usually and has a soft spot for only Rin and Lin. Will protect those he loves, he’s really quiet. Like the scary dog privileges for Lin and Rin from Octavius. Location unknown (probably Macarin)
I’m very proud of dis little gal :3
Lin’s parents: Father is name is Basil and was a Tiefling, Mother’s name is Tula Starling was a Fey, they were forced to leave the fey kingdom Because the forsyndicated were after them. They got in a tight spot when Tula was pregnant and went to them for help, for many years they were loving a fine life. But then Lin’s parents couldn’t pay them back, so to protect Lin they left her with Grandma Shroom and ran to Macarin and was eventually hunted and killed. Lin doesn’t know this and hold hope to met their parents again, but will likely eventual while exploring the forsyndicated files/something and out the truth.
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endofthestaff · 1 year ago
Wow. The Chalk prevails. I don’t know why, I was not expecting that to be this good but it resonated with me, my introverted bookwormish self. Damn.
I hereby name my Mushroom:
“Not as big as Medium sized shroom but bigger than wee shroom shroom”
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I love my fidgets
But baby this one deserves
A name from my heart
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a-personiftranslator · 6 months ago
btiwspirit tells (when upset) + the 4 Fs
andolont—tightens her grip on her cane. fight
varholt—none, her mask is either fully up or she’s screaming in a bathroom. fight
kuft-alum—clears her throat or goes mute entirely. flee originally but she’s trained herself to fight
antipoda—digs her fingers into the cracks in her skin. freeze
uusivapaamaa—pinches herself or clenches her teeth. fight
qadoshorea—covers her abdomen with her arms, in whatever way’s most discreet. fawn or fight depending on the situation
hlyttland—none, he has intermittent explosive disorder and can’t hide upset. fight
karathqel—prayer under her breath. fight
fauchaitie—fidgeting with the ends of her clothes. flee
ny norgrimark—running a hand through their hair. freeze
gudridarstrond—you’ll see it on her face, zerzuranists emote more easily than most (the shrooms facilitate hyperempathy). fight
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offier · 2 years ago
@ahsterism shes so 🧍‍♂️
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After everything that happened the night prior, one would think what happened with Van and Taissa would barely even register to Abigail. But it was still a big thing for her, even if it wasn't the biggest thing that was bothering her. She hasn't actually kissed many people, and usually, they were girls from out of town, who she wouldn't see again after it. She didn't have that luxury stranded out here, not just with Taissa and Van, but also everyone who saw her last night. There was no brushing it off.
Not to mention, the general fear over what happened. Sure, they had all been...out of it, but something felt wrong last night. She didn't feel like herself. She's so desperate for someone to tell her that it just felt that way because she's never really been high before. No amount of shrooms can make someone know a language they hadn't hours before, though. Besides, trying to get reassurance means having to actually talk about it, which she does not want to do.
Her avoidance of basically everyone and her anxiety is getting pretty obvious, though. She figured it'd only be a matter of time before someone tried to talk to her, she was just really hoping it wouldn't be Tai or Van. But of course, who else would it be? Seeing Van makes her pause for a moment, and she swallows harshly. "Um...hi." Abigail looks down, fidgeting with her hands, "How are you uh...doing?" She's really bad at this!
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angeloconnor · 2 years ago
Status: closed @fox-lennox​; flashback
Location: Pelican Lake; summer 
Angel’s happy. With Fox, it’s kind of hard not to be. But it’s plain and simple and oddly familiar where she thought it might be foreign. It’s nice, happy. Genuinely happy. Maybe for the first time in her life, and whatever she thought it might have been before, she couldn’t have been more wrong. It’s not just the shrooms and the weed talking, though they are mixing together quite nicely. Nice, summer days are for doing drugs out in nature, and there’s no one she’d rather be doing them with than Fox. She doesn’t remember whose idea it was exactly, nor does she care at this point. Angel just knows it was a damn good one. Now, they’re in the back of the delorean, the van’s doors open to a lakefront view as summer heat creeps in. She’s straddling him, painting the solar system across her boyfriend’s bare chest. Between the sounds of Earth itself, being stoned, and physically feeling the steady rhythm of Fox’s breathing underneath her and the waves it sends through her, Angel’s focus is in overdrive. She’s never felt so connected to the universe and to the present and to nature. This is some real hippie shit, the thought floats lazily across her mind, but it’s the fidgeting that breaks her concentration. “Sit still,” Angel’s easy smile brings laughter to her words. “I’m trying to be a serious artist here,” She says, but instead of sitting straighter, she leans down a little closer to him, dropping her paintbrush off to the side. She reaches for the blunt resting between his fingers to take its place. And when she’s settled back in place, her face not so far from his, her eyes dart about his face, taking a moment to take him in and appreciate all that he is. “Do you think you can lean up and give me a kiss without fucking up my hard work?” She asks with a brighter, sweeter smile.
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brokenheartedhalo · 2 months ago
Huger games: Day one Bloodbath
Bluey runs away from the Cornucopia.
Zooble finds a VIP ticket to Tana Mojo concert in the Cornucopia.
Moxxie finds an assault rifle in the Cornucopia.
Millie finds a bucket of KFC in the Cornucopia.
Ragitha finds an one spaghetti in the Cornucopia.
Gangle finds a glasses that cure color-blindness in the Cornucopia.
Hunter battles Maze. Maze defeats Hunter, but decides to spare his life.
Blizø finds a VIP ticket to Tana Mojo concert in the Cornucopia.
Maze finds an octobrush in the Cornucopia.
Shadow finds a bone-hurting juice in the Cornucopia.
Pomi finds a bow in the Cornucopia.
Luz finds a Stalin mustache in the Cornucopia.
Maddie battles Ozzie. Maddie defeats Ozzie, but decides to spare his life.
Fizz finds a bucket of KFC in the Cornucopia.
Jax finds an indescribable object in the Cornucopia.
Sonic finds a tank in the Cornucopia.
Halo battles Stolas. Halo defeats and kills Stolas.
Octavia runs away from the Cornucopia.
Neptune finds a fruit tree in the Cornucopia.
Tom battles Loona. Loona defeats and kills Tom.
Shroom finds a fidget spinner in the Cornucopia.
Caine runs away from the Cornucopia.
2 cannon shots can be heard in the distance
The following tributes have fallen:
Stolas: 0 Kills Tom: 0 Kills
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youngestshadow · 9 months ago
She knew well how he ate, she traveled with him for a while after all. The shadow happily watched him eat the shroom cake, eagerly floating up and down in anticipation for his review of it. That smile was all she needed before she quickly grabbed his hands again and spun them both around with little giggles leaving her lips
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"Oh yay! You have no idea how glad I am you enjoyed it!" She starts, her smile never leaving her lips. "I learned how to bake from Zess T a little before you left...She's very grumpy, but she appreciated having someone to pass her knowledge down to!" She let his hands go, her cheeks turning red as she fidgeted with her hands.
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"I-I...um...I learned how to cook other things from her, too! If you'd like...I could show you...M-Maybe with a picnic?"
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"Then you'll have to-a excuse me Vivian. You might not like-a this side of me too well. When I'm around-a sweets I just-" There was no time for him to even finish explaining properly. He unleashed his hungry fury upon her cake, scarfing it down bit by bit like a rabid animal. Point is he was enjoying what she made for him. After the poor Shroom Cake was obliterated and at one with his gut, flavor savor riddled with crumbs(and icing), Mario wiped his face with his sleeve and flashed a smile to the kind shadow.
"Mumamia, where'd you learn how to cook like-a this?? That was great!"
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charliecraftsthings · 1 year ago
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Another Fidget Shroom.
This one is based on some pictures of bronze boletes where the cap looks greenish. I liked that for aesthetic reasons, chose to exaggerate it in the fidget shroom.
I'm not sure why--maybe it's my stitch tension--but this one's cap is extremely satisfying to pop up and down becaue I can feel the lip/border roll with the push/pop!
Fidget Shrooms - paid pattern by Elli Mercer ($3 USD).
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yourfavehatesautismspeaks · 6 years ago
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Stim toys hate Autism Speaks!
Requested by anon!
(Mod Rowlf would like to say these are my Stim toys that served as models. I have more, but these were what I had to hand at the time. Fidget cubes were acquired as gifts. No Gloom Shroom is from @stimtastic)
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itchose · 1 year ago
he wants to believe her —-  if anyone is going to reach him,   it’s her,    still hesitant to be around the others after what happened to him,   only feeling any semblance of safety when it’s just him and nat.    but still,   he can’t shake the feeling that he’s the one who’s fucked up here.   he was responsible for taking care of javi.   he watched his father reach for him as he fell to his death and in that moment,   he knew it was up to him,   but he barely knew how to be a good brother,   he definitely didn’t know how to be a father,   and he felt himself screwing it up every single chance he got.   maybe if he could have just been there for him better,   if he wasn’t so closed off,   if javi felt like he could actually come to him,   it’d be different.   but now he’s gone,  and everyone’s looking at travis with the same, sympathetic eyes that all say the same thing:   you’ll never see him again.    and maybe it’s not in their eyes,  but he can feel it,  anyway:   it’s your fault.
his jaw clenches as he keeps his eyes ahead,   as if turning to look at her might distract him from finding him,   like they hadn’t been doing this for days now,  always coming up with nothing.   ❝ isn’t it?  ❞    he mumbles,  his fingers tugging at his sleeve both to try to find some kind of warmth and just to fidget to distract himself.   
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his eyes squint,  and for a moment,  he debates opening up about something he hadn’t told her yet,   something he didn’t want to say out loud because then he’d have to truly face it,   but he takes a deep breath,   finally turning his head to just barely look at her.    ❝  the last time i saw him—   ❞    he pauses,   because he doesn’t want to hurt nat at the memory,  even if they may be past it — jackie’s gone now,  there were shrooms they didn’t know about,  and that was somehow not even the worst thing to happen to him that night.    ❝  he asked to come with us.  ❞     he won’t say her name,  still unable to process his own grief over the girl he made a mistake with just before she was gone forever  (  can’t shake the feeling that maybe he’s at fault for that,  too.  )   ❝  i said no,  ❞    he says simply.   he wonders if he’d said yes,  or if he’d just stayed with javi—   would javi still be here?   would jackie still be alive?   would travis not by plagued by the memories of shauna’s knife to his throat and everything that happened before that?   ❝  so, maybe it is.   ❞     
his head falls back with exhaustion,   and he rubs at his eyes before glancing back to her.    ❝  i know you don’t think we’re going to find him,   ❞     he says quietly,  because he’s been on edge for a while now,  just waiting for her to say it.    ❝  but he's out here.   he has to be.  ❞    and he knows that doesn’t mean they’ll find him alive,   but even if that’s the case,   at least he can still do something for him.   at least he can still give him and himself closure.
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it resonates with her, of course it does – she's been here before, time and time again. it was starkly obvious how much she let both her parents down. stupid, slutty natty – good for nothing know-it-all. “ you haven't let anyone down, travis. ” she means it. maybe he'd pissed her off at first, but it was too easy to tell what hid behind his own eyes. that, and the grief of losing a father. watching before your very eyes. you and i are much too alike. if anyone had let anybody down, it was nat. embedded into her bones, the blood that covers her hands and stinks of her father. “ it's not your fault javi's missing. ”
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dirigibird · 7 years ago
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look at her go. im so in love
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ungalobrando · 2 years ago
Sometimes I think about Ungalo and Kjelle tripping out together for the first time.
It's a new experience for her. She doesn't know what to expect, all she knows are the drug scenes she's seen in movies. Her anxiety is written all over her face... yes, she agreed to doing this herself, but she has a lot of fear regarding her own body and herself. Honestly, when they meet, she's still a huge hypochondriac, and nausea triggers panic attacks for her... is that really a good idea? Ungalo is grumpy as usual - if you're too scared, then leave it be. Would be a waste of shrooms if she threw up and panicked. Well, even though Kjelle's new, experienced friend doesn't show it, he's determined to make her comfortable.
Ungalo hardly ever bothers to "prepare" for his trips anymore. He takes them in the middle of the day, outside, on a busy street - he couldn't give less of a shit who sees him high and how it feels. He eats the shrooms straight out of the package. Doesn't have to taste good. Has to work. But for Kjelle, he does some research... how can you consume them best without getting too sick? He wonders if it will be boring for him, staying inside where it's safe, but... at least she's got a TV if it gets boring.
Spoiler alert - it doesn't get boring. They have the shrooms as a tea together, and that shit tastes disgusting. Even Ungalo struggles with it, and they can't help but laugh at each other's twisted faces. At first, she's nervous from the weird sensations... he explains that it's all normal. Of course it's normal, dumbass, you've taken a psychedelic. But since Kjelle won't stop fidgeting, he takes her to her bedroom... she drifts off eventually, and she starts giggling to herself uncontrollably. And he giggles along. "Why are you laughin'?" "I don't know!" "Stop laughin'!" "I can't!" "Can you shut the fuck up, you're makin' me pee myself!!" "Can YOU stop looking at me with that distorted face?"
She has a nice night light, a color projector with stars. He puts it on for her... and they both immediately stop laughing. They lay in bed, fascinated by the colors and shapes on the wall.
"Can you also see how the universe works right now?" "Fuck yeah. I'm seein' God."
They lay there in silence for hours, occasionally closing their eyes and letting their minds wander along with whatever the psychedelic has prepared for them. The soft music Kjelle put on is occasionally interrupted by her uncontrollable giggles. But after a few hours, Ungalo gets up to grab them some marijuana while Kjelle struggles to make them the snacks they got for today.
Nothing has ever tasted that good in their lives before as those cheese crackers and that blunt.
"That's the most intense shit I've ever been on", Ungalo decides. "Really?" "No, not really, but it feels like it."
Maybe because he's actually taking it in. Maybe because he isn't alone, in the middle of the night, outside in the cold. Maybe her presence made it better.
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watchyourbluesturngolden · 4 years ago
the shrooms cafe
part 1- watermelon tea with strawberry boba
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hello everyone 🥺 this is the first series i've ever done so i'm a little nervous but i'm so excited because I really like this story!!!
this is the first part, and I have literally no idea how long it will be because I don't have a solid plan/outline yet! so feel free to send little concepts or things you would like to see included 🥺 i can't guarantee they will be added but i'll definitely try my best :)
shrooms cafe masterlist
my masterlist
warnings: none
word count: 2k
"Stella, we have to leave in 10 minutes!" You called up the stairs. "Come down so you can eat breakfast!" "Yeah Stella, hurry up!" Seraphina yelled from her spot at the dining table. She was finishing up her fruit loops with a grin on her face. "You're going to make us late!" As the youngest, she often liked to bother her sisters. She was only five, just starting kindergarten, but she was already a master at getting under their skin.
"Sera, don't antagonize your sister, please," you reminded her. "She's not going to make us late." Sophie rolled her eyes. "Seraphina, you're so immature." Despite only being 11, Sophie was clearly the mother hen. You sometimes joked that the girls didn't even need you; Sophie would take on the role of their mother with no problem. "Besides, you were the one who made us late yesterday." "It's not my fault I couldn't find my purple socks. What was I supposed to do?" "Maybe wear different socks?" Sophie suggested smugly. "You know I need my purple socks, otherwise I can't write my words!" Sophie rolled her eyes again. "You don't need a certain color socks to write." "Yes I do!" You smiled to yourself, turning back to the fridge as the two bickered. You pulled out the ingredients you would need to make their lunches, then reached up on your tiptoes to get their lunch bags from the top of fridge. "Okay girls, what kind of sandwiches do you want today?" "Peanut butter and jelly!" Seraphina said excitedly. "Why did I even ask?" You smiled. "And Sophie?" "Turkey please, but I can make it myself," She said, sliding off her chair and bringing the breakfast dishes to the sink. "Thank you, love," you said, leaning over to kiss the top of her head. "You are such a big help in the mornings, I don't know what I would do without you." "You would have a real handful dealing with those two," She said matter-of-factly. "That I would," you laughed, handing her a butter knife. "Stella!" you called again. The 8 year old came running down the stairs, carrying her backpack and another bag. "Did you forget I have dance today?" "I did not forget," you reassured her. She liked to plan things, and got worried quickly if she wasn't kept in the loop. "I'll pick you up at the door by the playground, does that work?" "Actually, I was wondering if I could walk today? A bunch of my friends do, and I feel kind of weird having my mom drop me off." "That should be fine," You nodded. "But stay with the group, don't go off by yourself." "I won't," she groaned, rolling her eyes. "You're so overprotective." "Oh yes, I'm so sorry for trying to keep you safe," you laughed. "Now what do you want for lunch?" Once everything was ready, the four of you made your way out to the car. Stella climbed into the back, and Sophie helped Seraphina get buckled. Even though the three of them bickered a lot (as sisters often do) it wasn't hard to see how much they loved each other. "Everybody buckled?" You asked, looking behind you. When you heard a chorus of confirmation, you started your playlist and smiled when the opening notes of Adore You filtered through the speakers. It was easily one of your favorite songs, and the girls liked it just as much as you did. It wasn't a long drive to the cafe; it took about 15 minutes if traffic was good. The girls' school bus stopped about a block away, so they walked there together every morning. Then after school, they would come back to the shop and read books or finish homework until it was time to close up and go home. You parked in the lot behind the shop, helping the girls out of the car and making sure they had all their things. Seraphina held out her hand, and Stella grabbed it to help her jump over a puddle on the sidewalk. Sophie gasped excitedly. "I think that was the biggest jump you've ever done!" The girls promptly launched into a discussion about who could jump farther as you unlocked the door. As soon as it was open, they made their way over to the mushrooms to find some books for the day. Their voices filled the shop as they chatted about school and the cute boy Stella liked and the kitten they had seen outside their house the other day. You went about your morning duties, flipping on the lights and starting up the coffee machine. You also turned on the oven, preparing to bake the muffins. (They were frozen- who has the time to bake them fresh? Certainly not a mother of 3.) Once the kitchen was ready, you went over to the radio and tuned it to a familiar station, the soft
music adding some pleasant background noise. "Okay girls, it's time to get to the bus stop," you said, leaning over the counter to speak to them. "Don't forget, I'm walking to dance," Stella said, pointing at you as she walked to the door. "I won't forget," you said, pointing back at her. "Have a good day!" "Bye mom," Seraphina waved her small hand at you. "Bye honey, bye Sophia," You smiled, blowing a kiss to the three of them. "See you later!" Once the three of them were gone, you went around to the shelves and straightened up, getting ready for your first customers.
After the lunch rush had dwindled down and the shop was nearly empty again, you were getting ready to go on your lunch break. You had just leaned down to grab a sandwich from the deli case when the bell above the door jingled, alerting you that a new customer had come in. You straightened up, your eyes going wide when you realized who it was, but you quickly fixed your face and smiled. "Welcome to the Shrooms Cafe!" "Hello," the man smiled back, speaking in a deep British accent. "I saw your sign for boba tea, and I've been looking everywhere to find some. You're the third shop I've been to today, so I'm really hoping you're not sold out like everywhere else," he grinned, coming closer to the counter. "No, we're not out! What kind did you want?" You asked. "Um... probably should have thought about that before I came in," he laughed nervously, looking at the menu above your head. "Oh, don't worry about it, we're not busy right now," you said reassuringly. “Take all the time you need.” He smiled gratefully, stepping off to the side while he read the menu. Meanwhile, you fidgeted with towels and wiped off the work surfaces and tried to pretend you weren’t staring at him. Who could blame you, really? Harry Styles had just walked into your coffee shop. Who wouldn’t stare? “I think…” he spoke again, breaking you out of your trance. “I’ll do the watermelon tea, with strawberry boba, please.” You nodded, laughing lightly. He quirked one eyebrow, smiling along with you. “What’s funny?” “Oh, no, it’s just… of course you would order the one with watermelon.” “Oh,” he smiled, and you thought you detected a hint of a blush on his cheeks. “I guess I do have a bit of a reputation with fruit, don’t I?” “Just a little,” you grinned. “One watermelon tea with strawberry boba, coming right up.” After ringing up the order, you quickly got to work. Instead of his real name, you wrote “watermelon man” on the sticker on the cup. Hopefully he would appreciate your little joke. “Here you are,” you smiled. “I hope it’s good, seeing as you worked so hard to find some.” “I’m sure it’ll be amazing,” he laughed, grabbing a straw from beside the cash register. You also noticed he had dropped a generous tip into the jar, probably while you had been busy making the drink. “Have a nice day,” you smiled. “You as well,” he said with a small wave before he made his way out the door, sipping his drink as he went. You sighed, shaking your head with a small grin as you grabbed the sandwich from earlier and went to a table for your lunch break.
“Hi mom!” Sophie yelled, holding open the door for Seraphina. “Hi girls!” You called from the back corner of the shop. “I’m by the mushrooms!” The girls quickly found you, Seraphia hugging you and Sophie situating herself on one of the short stools. “How was your day?” You asked. “Good! I gave my report on monarch butterflies and guess what Mrs. Wilson said?” Sophie asked, leaning forward. “What did she say?” “She said it was the best report she had heard all day. She waited until the other kids left so they wouldn’t feel bad, but still,” she said proudly. “Oh wow! I’m so proud of you,” you said, moving over to hug her. “What did I tell you? You can do anything you put your mind to,” you smiled. “Including writing the best report in the whole class, hmm?” She nodded happily before turning away from you to pull a book off the shelf closest to her. “Which one are you starting now?” You asked, leaning over her shoulder to see the book she had. “Anne of Green Gables,” she said. “Oh, I loved those books when I was your age,” you smiled. “I think you’ll really like them.”
She nodded, already immersed in the book. You turned back to Seraphina, who was pulling her folder out of her backpack. “And how was your day, miss Seraphina?” “It was so good, look!” She handed you a paper with two gold stars at the top. “My teacher gave me two gold stars. She said my writing was very good!"
"All that practicing we did must have worked, then!" you said, beaming as you looked at her letters. They were still wobbly, but a huge improvement over how they had been at the beginning of the school year.
She nodded. "And then I colored this picture for you!” She handed you another page. This one had a drawing of you holding hands with her, Sophie, and Stella. The three of you had big smiles and lots of adorable little details. Stella had her hair in a bun and was wearing ballet shoes. Sophie was holding a book in her free hand. Seraphina had drawn herself wearing a shirt with a cat (her favorite animal) on it, and she was wearing her purple socks. Lastly, there was you, holding a cup of coffee and wearing a shirt with a big red heart on it. “Since you like coffee so much,” she explained. “It's beautiful,” you smiled, hugging her. “We’ll hang it on the fridge when we get home, okay?” “Okay,” she agreed. “Why don’t you find a book and read with Sophie for a little bit? We have just over an hour, then we have to go get Stella from dance.” She nodded, handing you the papers and her backpack before running over to the shelves. She grabbed a picture book, settling into the red cushion in the tree and beginning to flip through the pages.
----- “Alright girls, it’s time to pick up Stella,” you said as you wiped off the counter one last time. You had already turned off all the machines and packed up everything else for the day. You flipped the lights off on the way out, smiling a bit when you saw the hand painted sign for boba tea in the window. Harry came into your mind again, with his easy smile, his kind words, and his blushing laugh. You really hoped you would see him again, even though you knew you probably wouldn't. Your shop wasn't very big or well known. How likely was it for him to come to the same little shop in the middle of London again? Still, it didn’t hurt to hope. Maybe he would decide to try the other flavors and stop in again. Your smile spread even further when you started your playlist and Lights Up was the first song to come on. Apparently, it was going to be hard to forget about him.
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